Mr. Fassett is a renowned security and safety expert whose faithful service to the city of Chicago gives a new meaning to ‘Serving and Protecting’ as it was Brian’s job and duty to run towards the sounds of the gun fire in many deadly and violent incidents.
Brian was assigned to the Chicago Police Department’s Special Operations, Mobile Command Strike Force and SWAT team where on many occasions Brian was the lead point member on the team, putting Brian ‘face to face’ with violent encounters where on many occasions, maintaining the safety of innocent bystanders and hostages played a both a key role and a factor.
Brian has undergone and successfully completed some of most vigorous, physically enduring, and demanding exercise courses created by the military and other government agencies designed to resolve and neutralize combatants (foreign and domestic) whose intentions were to cause catastrophic death and destruction without and any disregard for human life.
Brian is also specially trained in administering first aid to those in need during situations of active and mass shooting incidents. Brian is an expert at
conducting physical security assessments, a service that is provided by Total Protection Consultants, Inc. know as RAVA (Risk Assessment Vulnerability Analysis) created and designed for Schools, Universities, Workplace / Business and Manufacturing, Healthcare, Places of Worship and other Religious Facilities, Aviation, Transportation, as well as outdoor Venues.
As the Vice President of training, Brian over sees all aspects of training and the certification of all of Total Protection Consultants’ staff (Detectives, Undercover Investigators, Protection Specialist, Instructors, and Special Operations) as well as Total Protection Consultants’ clients that include Law Enforcement Officers, First Responders, Security Officers, Private Investigators, School District, Corporate, Healthcare, Religious Staff and other individuals and companies seeking Total Protection Consultants’ services, training and certifications.
Brian is also a member of the violent crimes task force that provides services to victims of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence.